
How drones and wireless communication equipment play a role in flood prevention and disaster relief?



Recently, affected by Typhoon "Dusuri", extreme heavy rainfall occurred in most parts of North China , causing floods and geological disasters , causing damage to network equipment in the affected areas and interrupting communications, making it impossible to contact and communicate with people in the disaster center. Judging disaster situations and directing rescue operations have been affected to a certain extent.


Emergency command communication is the "lifeline" of rescue and plays a vital role. During the heavy rains and floods in the Northern China region, the ground communication infrastructure was severely damaged and the public network was paralyzed in large areas of the disaster area. As a result, communications were lost or interrupted in ten towns and villages in the disaster area , resulting in loss of contact, unclear disaster situation, and command. A series of problems such as poor circulation have had a huge impact on emergency rescue work.


In response to the urgent needs of disaster relief , the emergency rescue communication support team uses various types of aircraft such as large-load UAVs and tethered UAVs to carry UAV airborne image transmission equipment and integrated emergency communication base stations through satellites and broadband self-organizing networks. and other relay methods, overcame extreme conditions such as "circuit disconnection, network disconnection, and power outage " , quickly restored communication signals in key lost areas affected by the disaster , realized interconnection between the on-site command headquarters and the lost area, and facilitated rescue command decisions and liaison with the people in the disaster area.



The conditions at the rescue site were very complex. A certain village in the lost area had been besieged by floods, and the roads were damaged and inaccessible. Also, because there were mountains nearly 1,000 meters above sea level in the surrounding area, traditional operating methods were unable to restore on-site communications.

The rescue team urgently formulated a dual- UAV relay operation mode, equipped with UAV airborne image transmission equipment, and overcame multiple technical problems such as load vibration, airborne power supply, and equipment heat dissipation. They worked non-stop for more than 40 hours. , under limited conditions on site, assembled equipment, built a network, and carried out multiple rounds of support, and finally restored communication in the village.

During the nearly 4 hours of support, a total of 480 users were connected, and the maximum number of users connected at a time was 128, effectively ensuring the implementation of rescue operations . Most affected families were able to communicate with other family members that they were safe.

Areas affected by floods and landslides are mainly in mountainous areas where communication networks are imperfect. Once the main public network is damaged, communication will be temporarily lost. And it is difficult for rescue teams to arrive quickly. Drones can use high-resolution cameras and lidar to conduct remote surveys and assessments in inaccessible dangerous areas, helping rescuers obtain real-time information about disaster areas. In addition, drones can also use IP MESH self-organized networking to transmit on-site conditions in real time through functions such as equipment delivery and communication relay, helping the command center to convey rescue command orders, provide early warning and guidance , and also send relief supplies and information to disaster areas.

From UAV

Other Benefits

In flood prevention and relief, in addition to providing wireless network communications , drones are widely used in flood detection , personnel search and rescue, material delivery, post-disaster reconstruction, communication rush, emergency mapping, etc. , providing multi-faceted scientific and technological support for emergency rescue.

1. Flood monitoring

In disaster-stricken areas where the ground conditions are complex and people cannot arrive quickly, drones can carry high-definition aerial photography equipment to understand the full picture of the disaster area in real time, discover trapped people and important road sections in a timely manner, and provide accurate intelligence to the command center to provide Provide important basis for subsequent rescue activities. At the same time, the high-altitude bird's-eye view can also help rescuers better plan their action routes, optimize resource allocation, and achieve efficient rescue purposes.monitor flood conditions in real time by carrying high-definition cameras and wireless high-definition real-time transmission equipment . Drones can fly over flooded areas and obtain high-precision images and data to help rescuers understand the depth, flow rate and extent of floods. This information can help rescuers develop more scientific and effective rescue plans and improve rescue efficiency and success rate.

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2. Personnel search and rescue

In flood disasters, drones can be equipped with infrared cameras and long-distance wireless high-definition real-time transmission equipment to help rescuers search and rescue trapped people. Drones can fly over flooded areas and detect the body temperature of trapped people through infrared cameras, thereby quickly locating and rescuing trapped people. This method can greatly improve rescue efficiency and success rate and reduce casualties.

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3. Put in supplies

Affected by the floods, many trapped areas experienced material shortages. The rescue team used drones to deliver supplies during the rescue, and delivered emergency supplies to the trapped "isolated island" in the air.

The rescue team used unmanned helicopters to carry satellite phones, intercom terminal equipment and other communication supplies at the scene. They also used multiple emergency rescue drone systems to carry out precise delivery of hundreds of boxes of supplies through multiple aircraft and multiple stations. Launch disaster relief missions.

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4. Post-disaster reconstruction

After floods, drones can be equipped with sensors such as high-precision cameras and lidar to help with post-disaster reconstruction efforts. Drones can fly over disaster areas to obtain high-precision terrain data and images, helping post-disaster reconstruction personnel understand the terrain and building conditions in disaster areas and formulate more scientific and effective reconstruction plans. This method can greatly improve reconstruction efficiency and success rate, and reduce reconstruction cost and time.


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Post time: Sep-30-2023